I said I would never compete AGAIN! Find out why I’m stepping onstage one more time..

I have 2 disclaimers for this blog post: 
1, I wrote this blog weeks ago but it never felt finished and I think that’s because I still had some “learnin” to do about this whole process.

2, this blog is long, but hang in there, there’s some pretty epic shit in here.
Well here goes nothing….
“This is bullshit. I’m never doing this again.”

Those were the last words I said to myself while walking offstage of my last bikini competition.
You see I had just finished my 3rd show in 6 months…I was emotionally drained from an eating disorder raging out of control, physically considered malnutrition from months of restrictive dieting and training, and to be honest; I hated everything about competing.
I hated the politics. I hated my body. I hated training. I especially hated the constant internal battle, “am I lean/big/good enough” song that played in my head over and over each day… I was done and maybe even a little heart broken.

Putting on a brave face for my last competition 3 years ago

So I’m sure you’re wondering why in the hell, would that girl ever get onstage again?
Well, it’s because THAT GIRL was broken and THIS GIRL is strong.
It’s been 3 years, a two year old, and 1 long ass road to get to the place I am today.
I’ll be honest, when I first stopped competing, I so badly wanted to hate bodybuilding, but the truth was, I still loved it.

I love the mental challenge of it all. I love watching your body transform, and at the end of the day, you’re asking something of yourself for weeks that most wouldn’t attempt in a day. 
It’s pretty incredible don’t you think? To ask more from yourself than you think you can give?
I began training for my first show while broke, basically living out of my car, starting a new business, and working 3 jobs in a new city.  

The gym was a haven for me. It was the only place I felt strong and in control, in a very turbulent time of my life.
I prepped for 12 weeks going in, and back then there wasn’t macros or reverse dieting; there was tilapia and a treadmill- not much else.

I was so focused and never missed a rep, a minute of cardio, or a bite off my meal plan.
I won my class the first show I entered and I went from the girl who was just happy to be there to the girl who “had to win” her next show.

“Itty bitty” me at my very first show

It was like a monster was born overnight.
I became obsessed and my life suddenly only had room for competing.
I hired a new coach, that had hundreds of proven winners, and even though deep down I knew that coach could care less about me or my body, I just thought this was the only way to win.
The weeks of restrictive dieting created a nasty relationship with food: anything off my meal plan terrified me to eat because it was “bad” but I would obsess over food and it would bring me to 5,000 calorie binge eating episodes followed by 2 hour long cardio sessions trying to “erase” what I did.
i somewhat pulled it together enough to compete again in 2 shows back to back, but my body had taken a toll.
I had dropped down to 7% body fat my first show and then immediately gained 30 pounds by not properly reverse dieting.
My next show I prepped for 22 weeks straight and this time around my body would not respond to any changes we made with diet and nutrition.

As you can tell my body changed A LOT in between those shows! This was my heaviest weight to date and also my worst hair color 🙄

By the time I was 4 weeks out from my last show, I was only eating 30g’s of carbs a day and doing 1-2 hour cardio sessions daily.
My hair was falling out, my face made me look like a walking zombie, and my hormones were badly damaged; I started to have early menopausal symptoms. (I was 25 at the time btw)
But the physical changes happening to my body, surprisingly didn’t phase me.  

This was just another example of the “dedication” and the “focus” bodybuilders had to have….it was an example of how even your own health and happiness can mean nothing to you if you think you’re doing what it takes to win.
At my last show, I got 3rd call outs (call outs are a placement system in bodybuilding). I didn’t even go out to talk with my family and friends after the show. I just stood in the backstage bathroom and cried.  

I don’t think I cried over my placement, I think in that moment, it just became very clear to me how lost I’d become.
I felt weak, broken, angry, and most of all; I felt like a liar. Here I was parading around as this “health” advocate and the things I was doing to myself, I would never allow a client or friend do.  
I was mentally and physically destroying myself for a trophy? Never again.
I started intense therapy for my eating disorders (yea, I had 3 to be exact). I started researching macro nutrition and metabolism repair and for once, found a balanced and happy approach to food. I began multiple types of training styles and once again found myself back in the gym because I loved being there.
I also found my calling as a coach. I still loved bodybuilding, but I found a new passion and a new strength as a coach, because I was determined the same thing that happened to me would never happen to any athletes I trained. 

Doing what I love! In 5 years as a coach, I’ve never had one athlete on a fat burner, restrictive meal plan, or do excess amounts of cardio. So proud of my team!

During my competing days, I was told I had done too much damage to ever be able to conceive, so you can imagine my complete surprise when I was blessed to become a mama; only 1 year after receiving that news.

I owe everything to my son- he saved me from myself in so many ways.
Becoming a mother taught me to love and respect my body for what it can do; not just what it looks like.

Being a mom also teaches me everyday that he sees everything I do. I have no choice but to try to be the best example I can be, every day.

Which after what feels like a novel (thanks for hanging in there guys), brings me to the whole point of this blog; why am I getting onstage again?
I’m getting onstage again because for 3 years, I thought I was gave competing my best and I wasn’t.
I didn’t love my body. I didn’t compete with the focus on health first and results second. And to be completely honest; I just never got to compete the way I wanted too.
I still sometimes think back and forth if I should challenge myself like this….

Mentally I have to be in constant check with my balance and having a positive and healthy outlook.
But then I think about THAT GIRL and how I was right, she couldn’t handle it.

But THIS GIRL, this girl can!

We all deserve health and happiness. We all also deserve to follow our dreams.
I’m stepping onstage to prove to myself and all the other “that girl”s out there; that we can do both!

Cookies and Cream Fluff: Low Cal and Make It Under 10 Minutes!

 As I was scrolling on my midnight Pinterest addiction the other night; I seriously have a problem…..
I came across a Weight Watchers recipe that looked AMAZING but once reading the calories and macros; I thought, I can do way better than that!
Seriously the best sweet tooth alternative I’ve ever came up with! 
I just dare you to only eat 1 serving!

Low Cal Cookies and Cream Fluff

(Recipe for 1 serving)
What you’ll need:

Large mixing bowl 


Cutting board and knife 

Measuring Cups

What’s in it:

-1 box sugar free jello pudding in vanilla or white chocolate 

-1/2 cookies and cream quest bar

-1/3 scoop vanilla protein powder (Find the protein I use )

-2 cups unsweetened almond milk

-1 cup sugar free cool whip (can is my fav)

How to make it:
Start by adding pudding mix and protein powder together in a bowl and then adding 2 cups almond milk.
Whisk vigorously for 2 minutes and then place in the fridge for 5-8 minutes or until jello is a thicket texture.
Next add cool whip to to your jello and whisk until completely mixed.
Chop quest bar into small chunks.
Scoop out 1 cup and sprinkle quest bar on top and you’re about to enjoy some low cal awesomeness!

Here’s the deets for my macro girls:

Calories: 245

Fat: 7g

Carbohydrates: 41g

Protein: 12g

Hope you enjoy guys! Make sure to comment on my instagram page @justafitchick how your recipes turned out!

Alysha’s Fat Burning Smoothie: Read and Make Under 5 minutes!

I had such a huge response to my smoothie post last week; thank you!
Who knew there were so many smoothie snobs out there like me? 😉
I got tons of requests for a green smoothie and I’m posting one of my favs!

Backed with antioxidants and fat burning ingredients, I think y’all will love this one!
Tropic Thunder Fat Burner Smoothie

(Recipe for 1 servings)
What you’ll need:


Measuring cups
What’s in it:

1 cup pineapple 

1/2 banana

1 scoop protein 

1/2 of a grapefruit 

1 cup spinach

1/2 cup water

1/2 low fat Greek yogurt

1 stevia package

1 teaspoon chia seeds

1/2 cup ice

How to make it:

You’d think it’s impossible to mess up a smoothie, but trust, this girl has!

Add all ingredients together, adding protein powder last to make sure it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the blender.
Blend for 12-30 seconds or until smoothie is at the texture you prefer.

And just like that, you’re out the door!

Hope you enjoy guys! Make sure to comment on my instagram page @justafitchick how your recipes turned out!

Coffee, Chocolate, Coconut Smoothie: under 200 Cals!

Ok, I’m kina a smoothie snob and I admit it…
But I’m only a snob because I see SO many “healthy” or “weight loss” smooth recipes that are anything but that!
Some smoothies can be packed with sugar, carbs, and little protein; not too mention any easy way to drink 300+ cals!
BUT I mean who doesn’t love a smoothie? 

So I made you an actually “healthy” recipe that is sure to wake you up and curve that sweet tooth!
I do have a couple of go-to smoothies that are my jam, and this one by far is my favorite!
Coffee Choc-ey Coconut Smoothie

(Recipe for 1 servings)
What you’ll need:


Measuring cups
What’s in it:

1/2 cup decaf or favorite coffee

1 cup unsweetened almond milk

1 scoop protein (GET MY PROTEIN HERE. For extra savings, use my discount: FITCHICK)

2 tbs. gluten free oats 

2 tbs. unsweetened coconut flakes

1 tbs pb2 peanut butter powder

1/2 banana

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon chia seeds

1/2 cup ice

How to make it:

You’d think it’s impossible to mess up a smoothie, but trust, this girl has!
Start by brewing your coffee first and wait until it’s room temperature.
Then add all ingredients together, adding protein powder last to make sure it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the blender.
Blend for 12-30 seconds or until smoothie is at the texture you prefer.
And just like that, you’re out the door!

You don’t HAVE to make the ingredient modifications like almond milk and pb2 powder, but like I mentioned, you don’t want your shake getting too high in calories!
Hope you enjoy guys! Make sure to comment on my instagram page @justafitchick how your recipes turned out!

1 Pan Chicken Sausage Meal Prep

Searching for faster, better tasting, and easy meal prep makes me feel like Columbus…. only he found America way sooner than I came up with this recipe!
BUT I’m so excited how this recipe turned out because it’s something easy for me and new for the entire family! Yes, my toddler and husband are eating green things; fingers crossed!

There are so many variations you could do with this recipe but I wanted to try something different and add some low sodium chicken sausage and it will be a definite repeat at my casa!
1 Pan Chicken Sausage Meal Prep

(Recipe for 4-6 servings)

What you’ll need:

Cutting board and large kitchen knife

Foiled baking sheet

Medium mixing bowl
What’s in it:

1 cup shredded carrots

2 cups baby red potatoes 

1 small zucchini 

1 small yellow squash

1 red pepper

1 yellow pepper

3 cups broccoli heads and florets

16-20 oz. low sodium chicken sausage

1 cup grades Parmesan cheese 

1 teaspoon dried basil

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 tbs dried thyme

1 teaspoon onion powder

1/3 cup coconut oil or olive oil

How to make it:

This is literally the best part; it’s so easy!
Slice vegetables into thin chunks and then slice chicken sausage into smaller chunks as well.
I suggest cutting the broccoli into very small pieces to make sure it cooks evenly with the other vegetables.
Once all vegetables are cut, spread them out evenly on a foiled baking sheet (yay! No mess!).
Next start by microwaving coconut oil in a microwave safe bowl for 30 seconds or if you choose olive oil, just place the 1/2 cup in the bowl.
Add all spices to the oil and stir.
This is the most important part!

Make sure to add the oil and spices evenly onto vegetables and sausage.

You can do this by spreading with a brush or mixing with your hands.
Place sheet in a preheated oven at 400 degrees.
Let ingredients bake for 15 minutes, then using large tongs or spoon, flip vegetables and sausage and then continue to bake for 10-20 minutes or until thoroughly cooked.

If you’re looking for the meal to be a little more filling, try topping it off with 1/2 cup of brown rice or quinoa.
Hope you enjoy guys! Make sure to comment on my instagram page @justafitchick how your recipes turned out!

Carrot Cake Protein Balls: Best Pre Workout Snack Ever!

The most common question I get asked from clients about meals is, “What do I eat for a pre workout?”
Well kids, I went ahead and just made you a recipe!
Pre workouts snacks should be full of easily digested carbs (15% of your daily carb intake) and be paired with a protein and fat.
I LOVE these protein balls because I can make them in bulk and my little guy loves helping (and eating) them!
Super fast and minimal ingredients too!

Carrot Cake Protein Balls

(Recipe for 4-6 servings)
What you’ll need:

Large mixing bowl

Foiled baking sheet

Cheese grader or blender 
What’s in it:

1 tbs. coconut oil

2/3 cup peanut or almond butter

1/4 cup honey or agave

1 tbs. chia seeds

1/2 cup shredded coconut

1 cup finely shredded carrot

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 tbs cinnamon 

2 tbs protein powder (use MY PROTEIN here)

How to make it:

This is literally the best part; it’s so easy!
Start by microwaving coconut oil in a microwave safe bowl for 30 seconds.
Grade carrots until very fine and shredded. I actually use my ninja blender too get it very fine.
Add all remaining ingredients together in 1 large mixing bowl- minus the coconut flakes.
Grab a small, palm size of mixture and roll into a ball. (I wet my hands slightly to help have less stick when I do this)
Once your all is formed, roll the ball on a flat surface in the coconut flakes and bam; you’re done!

Make sure to refrigerate and you can freeze the balls up to 2 months in the freezer.
I suggest 2-3 balls per serving to stay within pre workout calorie guidelines; but don’t judge; I had like 5 ok? 

Couldn’t help it, they were so good!
Hope you enjoy guys! Make sure to comment on my instagram page @justafitchick how your recipes turned out!

Healthy Sausage French Toast Sticks

 This quick breakfast recipe is SO good; it’s like impossible to only eat a few!
But it is super easy to make! My boys ask for it every week and I always make more than I think we need because they good fast!

I took out all the sugar and made this recipe low carb and easy on the diets too!
Turkey Sausage French Toast Rolls

(Recipe for 2-4 servings)
What you’ll need:

Large skillet

Cutting board and knife 

Cooking tongs

Medium bowl


Large cup or rolling pin
What’s in it:

8-10 turkey sausage

6 slices famous daves low calorie bread or gluten free bread

2 eggs

1 cup milk or unsweetened almond milk

2 tbs cinnamon 

1 tbs protein powder, I love This protein in French Toast flavor!

How to make it:
Start by cooking turkey sausage in a medium pan. Continue too turn the sausage until golden brown; then set aside on a plate with napkin to soak up excess fat.
In a small mixing bowl, add eggs, milk, protein powder, and cinnamon together and mix with a whisk until blended.

Take your bread slices and roll them flat with a rolling pin or cup.

I use a cup because I’m a child of the 90’s and we definitely didn’t get rolling pans for our birthdays; but anyways, a cup will do just fine!
Once bread slices are rolled and flat, cut the crust off and slice each piece into 2 by cutting the middle horizontal.
Next grab your sausage and roll the bread around it, placing the sausage at the top and rolling down.
Once you’ve rolled your bread onto your sausage. Dip the sausage roll into the batter coating thoroughly but shaking off excess.
Place sausage rolls onto medium/low heated pan and continue flipping with tings until the bread is golden brown.
You can add the works for toppings! But I like too keep mine as low sugar as possible and use Walden Farms sugar free, and carb free syrup.

Feel free too swap out any dairy of gluten products for non if that’s what works for you!
Enjoy guys!

What I’m Loving Now: The JORD REECE watch

Some of you have been following me for a hot minute and you may notice that my style is 2 things: no fuss and comfortable.

Taking time between running a business and chasing a toddler around doesn’t leave me hours in the day too spend accessorizing….

So when I found JORD WATCHES; I was in love!

I love the look of natural wood and the face color combinations! They look great with my gym clothes or going to dinner and it makes even a girl on the go like me feel a little bit more “put together” and this mama? Can take all the help I can get!

My favorite watch out of the JORD collection was The REESE Watch and  I’m definitely going to order an engraved men’s watch for my fella on v-day too!

The best part is I’ve teamed up with the great people at JORD to offer you guys an awesome GIVEAWAY!

Click THE LINK HERE and pick what Watch you like out of the collection and you’re entered too win a $100 gift code towards ANY JORD Watch!

Also just for entering, JORD is going to send you a $25 e-gift code!

Low Carb Squash Pasta: bacon, spinach, goat cheese; oh my!

 My favorite meal by far is lunch! But figuring out a healthy, quick, and macro friendly meal for the afternoon can be a challenge.
I’ve made something similar to this recipe for years, but thought I would re-vamp and share!

It’s so so yummy and completely gluten free, dairy free, and low carb. And I could seriously eat it every day!
You’re welcome babes; you’re welcome!
Low Carb Squash Pasta

(Recipe for 2-4 servings)
What you’ll need:

Large skillet

Cutting board and knife 

Cooking spatula or spoon 

Baking sheet 
What’s in it:

1/2 cup coconut oil

4 oz shredded chicken (optional)

1 medium spaghetti squash 

3/4 cup cherry tomatoes

3 bacon or turkey bacon strips (optional)

2 cups spinach

1 cup mushrooms

3 oz. organic goat cheese
How to make it:
Start by dicing up tomatoes into small halves on your cutting board. 

Next start cutting your spaghetti squash by cutting the end off first and then slicing the squash horizontally. (I use to HATE trying to cut them! Slice the ends off first and it’s much easiest!)
Then take a spoon and scoop out the seeds and insides of squash. Apply a liberal amount of coconut oil to top and inside of squash and add salt and pepper for flavor.
Place on baking pan with CUT SIDE DOWN in preheated oven at 400 degrees for 35-40 minutes.
If you’re choosing too add bacon, in a medium heat skillet cook the bacon for 8-10 minutes or until they reach a crispy that you like, then place aside. 
Next add chicken, mushrooms, and tomatoes to medium heat skillet. Begin to stir every 1 minute, while adding spinach at the last 2 minutes for 6 minutes total.
Once squash is cooked, take out of the oven and turn the squash over too cool.

Once cooled, take large fork and scrape out insides of squash.
Combine squash with ingredients in skillet and turn heat to high/medium for 3 minutes while continually stirring.
Spoon out 1 serving into bowl.
Lastly, smash up that bacon and use as a topping while adding chunks of goat cheese on top.

This meal can be modified and adjusted to nutritional approaches so easily; which I love!
If you’re a vegan or vegetarian, just skip the meats and cheese!
Can’t wait for y’all to try this recipe beverages I know it’ll become a go-to for lunch for you as well!

Enjoy guys!

Workout in the morning? Try this breakfast!

My schedule has changed to the wee hours of the morning lately; so that means training super early each day too get it in! Goals, right girls?
Anyways, I started making this fast and all in one meal that served as a perfect post workout meal and breakfast and I wanted too share it with you!
Plus; my little guy loves it and what’s better than a breakfast for mom and babe?

Avocado Protein Toast

(Recipe for 2 servings)
What you’ll need:

Large skillet

Cutting board and knife 

Cooking spatula or spoon 

Baking sheet OR Toaster
What’s in it:

1 egg

6-8 oz egg whites

1 avocado 

3/4 cup cherry tomatoes

3 bacon or turkey bacon strips

2 cups spinach

2 slices Famous Dave’s Organic bread or gluten free bread 
How to make it:
Start by dicing up tomatoes into small halves on your cutting board. Also, cut and dish avocado into a bowl and mash.
Add egg whites, egg, and tomatoes to medium heat skillet. Begin to stir every 1 minute, while adding spinach when eggs are almost cooked.
Continue stirring for 3-5 minutes or until eggs are cooked.
While your eggs are cooking, also place bacon strips in a another medium heated skillet and turn every 1 minute until crispy. (I always pre cook my bacon in bulk to have on hand for the week for yummy toppings)

While your eggs and bacon are getting sautéed, place bread slices in the oven or toaster until golden brown. I do 4 minutes at 250 degrees in the oven. Which reminds me; why do I not have a toaster?

Once your eggs, bacon, and toast are finished. 

Spread a thick layer of avocado onto your toast and place eggs, spinach, and tomatoes on top.
Lastly, smash up that bacon and use as a topping.

This meal takes me about 10 minutes total time to make; which I love!

It’s so important too include a protein, fat, and carbohydrate into your post workout meal so this meal covers all the bases! If you have any other post workout or nutrition questions; email  meAlysha@justafitchick.com, I love to hear from you guys!

So thankful for quick meals like this and Sesame Street re-runs getting me through those busy mornings!
Enjoy guys!